Please take the time to carefully read and understand the following Terms and Conditions for using Haitian Corner, haitiancorner.com and all its accompanying web pages and applications.
This is a legally binding agreement for the use of the website. The Terms and Conditions may be changed or modified by HaitianCorner.com without consulting you, any such changes will be effectively enforced as soon as they are posted on HaitianCorner.com. This agreement shall cover any notices on the website such as, but not limited to, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. You should not use the website for any purpose if you do not agree with all the terms and conditions set forth on this website. The use of HaitianCorner.com is a privilege given to you and are subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations we establish, in our own discretion. We may suspend, discontinue or alter any aspect of HaitianCorner.com anytime we deemed it necessary, including availability and access to any of the contents and features available. We may restrict or limit your access to any parts of the website without any liability or notice to you
Age Restriction
Anyone who wish to sign up to HaitianCorner.com or use any of the websites services must be 18 years of age and above. Any membership deemed prohibited because of age restriction and governing laws in your city, state, country or territory are void. By using HaitianCorner.com and any of our services, you warrant that you are of right age, with the capacity, authority and right to agree to this document and to abide by the terms and conditions set forth on this agreement.
Terms of Usage
You are prohibited to send or post other members any communication or information that are considered inaccurate, misrepresented, abusive, defamatory, obscene, offensive, profane, slanderous, harassing, threatening, discriminating or illegal. You must not send any spam or any form of solicitation to other members. You will not share or post any information that can violate the rights of other members of this website. Violation of these terms of usage can lead to temporary suspension, removal of your account or lifetime ban depending on the severity of your actions as determined by the administrators of this website.
You should only create one account in this website. Creating more than one account for yourself or to impersonate others is prohibited and can lead to deletion of all the accounts you have created. You are the only person who should access or use your account and we also advise you not to share your login and password information to others.
Information Monitoring
We reserve the right to monitor and access all the data you publish while using the services provided in this website to ensure that you are not in any violation of our terms and conditions as well as any other laws governing our website. We have the right to share any of your information to the authorities if we determined it to be violating any laws or we are asked by courts or other governing bodies to provide them your information.
Removal of Information
We have the right to remove any information on your profile that violates any of our terms of use and privacy policy. We cannot possible review every single content posted and exchanged through our website. Therefore we are not legally liable for any violation by other members that may result to any civil or criminal lawsuit or legal proceedings.
Lost Data or Damages
We are not to be held responsible for any data loss or damaged from the use of our website or any of our services to your computer, mobile devices or any other electronic equipments you own.
We do not warrant or guarantee the availability of our website and any of our services. The services we provide may be changed, modified or discontinued at any time without providing any prior notice to you. .